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Home Blog Reactivated the Dinner with Opera to savor the music at the Balmesiana’s Palace

Reactivated the Dinner with Opera to savor the music at the Balmesiana’s Palace

Miércoles, 17 de june de 2020
  • Reactivated the Dinner with Opera to savor the music at the Balmesiana’s Palace

The 'Dinner with Opera' reopens its agenda to once again delight our ears in a unique setting: the Balmesiana’s Palace.

This neo-Gothic building with modernist elements offers a gastronomic and musical journey, which adapts to the exceptional health situation caused by COVID-19 with preventive measures to guarantee the safety without giving up a unique experience. Dinners can be enjoyed on the second Saturday of each month, starting on June 20th.

A unique musical and gastronomic night for the senses

The activity begins at 7:30 p.m., with a welcome at the Balmesiana’s Palace with a glass of cava included. Attendees then make its approximation to the opera with a first aria in the hall, performed live by professional singers. Without waiting any longer, a guided visit delights the public's sight throughout this emblematic space with all its treasures: the chapel designed by Joan Rubió, one of Antoni Gaudí's disciples, as well as the wonderful works of the sculptor Josep Llimona.

After a second aria in the auditorium, the audience enjoys a gastronomic experience in the hall inspired by various operas, and the culinary tour merges with the musical. To end the night in an excellent way, a last aria closes the evening with the exceptional sound provided by the neo-Gothic palace.

Enjoy music without worries: a ‘COVID Free’ activity

In order to celebrate the nights of opera again in this unique space, despite the exceptional health situation, the reactivation of the 'Dinner with Opera' will have all the preventive measures against COVID-19. The use of an own mask is mandatory and hydroalcoholic gel is available to attendees during the event. In addition, the capacity of dinners will be limited to guarantee the safety distance and the size of the visiting groups for the different spaces will be reduced. Menu cards have also been adapted so that they can be disinfected after each use.

Actualidad destacada 
  • Sternalia Productions S.L.
  • C/ Torre dels Pardals, 33, local 3
  • 08041 Barcelona (Catalonia / Spain)
  • Offices Sternalia:
  • (+34) 93 170 17 97
  • Mon-Th 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Fr de 9:00am to 05:00pm


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