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Home Blog A travel to the Middle Ages in a Medieval Dinner COVID-19 free

A travel to the Middle Ages in a Medieval Dinner COVID-19 free

Martes, 14 de july de 2020

For lovers of the Middle Ages or the experiences of other eras, the Medieval Dinner becomes a perfect entry to this historical stage.

Fights of knights, Arab dancers and juggling with fire in the courtyard of the Requesens Palace dress up a magical night that we have adapted to the necessary preventive measures for the COVID-19. Thus, every Saturday of the week you can experience an evening like the one offered by Viceroy Isabel de Requesens to her guests.

A time travel characterized

After a welcome glass of cava at 7.30 pm, a visit is made to the Requesens Palace, from the 13th century, in which the fascinating life of Isabel de Requesens, viceroy of Naples, and all the details known of this historical construction are explained. The watchtower and the terrace, from where you can see the whole Gothic Quarter, can also be seen along the route.

Once the visit is over, a sword fight in the main courtyard takes visitors back to the Middle Ages, and invites them into the theme of the night. A dinner worthy of kings takes place at 9 pm, in the Tinellet hall. The meal has elements that make diners travel through time. Finally, a fire and juggling show surprises the audience in this magical setting of the palace and closes the time travel.

Medieval evening ‘COVID Free’

The Medieval Dinner, like the rest of the offers, has all the preventive measures against COVID-19. The use of a mask is mandatory and hydroalcoholic gel is made available to attendees during the event. In addition, capacity will be limited to ensure the safety distance and the dimensions of the visiting groups for the different spaces will be reduced. Menu cards have also been adapted so that they can be disinfected after each use.

Actualidad destacada 
  • Sternalia Productions S.L.
  • C/ Torre dels Pardals, 33, local 3
  • 08041 Barcelona (Catalonia / Spain)
  • Offices Sternalia:
  • (+34) 93 170 17 97
  • Mon-Th 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Fr de 9:00am to 05:00pm


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